WAPSA committee for 2017/2018:
President: Bill Hewison
Vice-President: Judy Skillcorn
Treasurer: Edwina Hewison
Hon Secretary: Caroline Jamieson
Member & Child Protection:
Website and Accreditation Officer: Evgueni Borounov
APSA Rep: Bill Hewison
WAISA Representative: Kirsten Mather
CIA Representative: Maria Borounov
PIA Representative: Shorna Hewison
XIA Representative: Caroline Jamieson
Synchronised Representative: Genevieve Hohnen
Other business:
All Level 0 and Level 1 applicants must advise Accreditation Officer before applying to do the course over east. Course requirements are going to be changed and these changes will be posted on the APSA and WAPSA website at a later date.