New Level 0, Level 1 and Mentoring Requirements

New Rules and Requirements for Level 0 and Level 1 courses has been published by APSA. Please see below the major changes that have been implemented to the courses (effective immediately).


You must be 16 years of age or over and display a satisfactory level of maturity to be accepted into the Level 0 accreditation program.

Level 0 Accreditation will qualify you to coach the Skating School group classes in your rink. You will not be qualified or accredited to coach private lessons.

Two Courses are required for Level 0 Accreditation:

1. Community General Principles of Coaching Course provided by ASC.

2. Sports Specific component of Level 0 accreditation, which is both an on ice and off ice course covering the basics of coaching Aussie Skate Classes privided by APSA.


Minimum Test Level:

Elementary TPS and Elementary Technical



It is a requirement that all course participants have attained the age of 18 years. That means that you can’t do Level 1 course until you turn 18.


Minimum Test Level:

Basic Novice B TPS and Basic Novice B Technical


Basic Novice B TPS and Basic Novice Ice Dance Test



Just to clarify the requirements for MENTOR coaches:

You MUST be a Level 2 coach AND have completed ASC Mentor Course.

At this stage we ONLY have 2 Mentor coaches in WA (pending their confirmation on ASC Mentor Course Completion). They are Genevieve HOHNEN and Jane REYNOLDS. All other coaches who have applied for Mentor position are ineligible for the role.

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